Our wellbeing tents at festivals

​Why Festivals?​

At festivals people tend to explore new experiences. By pitching therapy and openness around mental health, we reach out to people who may have been considering asking for help, or who want to know more about what talking therapy entails.​​

It’s also a safe place to talk about mental health, whether people have diagnosed or non-diagnosed mental ill health. Our wellbeing area is a safe space for all.​

Our retreat tent

At our tents there are a range of activities to get involved with, each with the aim to get you thinking about how you can look after your wellbeing and mental health.

For example, mindfulness colouring postcards and pencils are provided. The key to this activity is to understand that mindfulness can be more than ‘meditation’. Being mindful is about focusing on the here and now, however that works for you. By colouring in the intricate designs on our postcards, you can concentrate on the task, instead of anything else, which is proven to improve overall mental wellbeing. The added creativity involved with colouring also creates a feeling of accomplishment, and pride. These feelings are important for increasing self-esteem and self-worth.

Our 1-2-1 therapy sessions

Our therapy sessions are free and accessible to anyone during the festival. There are no long wait lists or strict criteria that people need to meet.​

​The sessions can be up to 50 minutes long and they provide an opportunity to talk to a fully qualified therapist in a relaxed, safe and non-judgemental environment.​

​The wellbeing of festival goers is our number one priority. Our therapists can support and guide people in ways that feel useful to them. This may be providing signposting, advice or simply offering an open space to talk

I really felt safe and understood by the capable and compassionate therapist I saw
— festival goer